For a REST API, your service will want to support different verbs/methods. Http4s has a list of all the methods you’re familiar with, and a few more.

import fs2.Task
// import fs2.Task

import io.circe.generic._
// import io.circe.generic._

import io.circe.syntax._
// import io.circe.syntax._

import org.http4s._, org.http4s.dsl._
// import org.http4s._
// import org.http4s.dsl._

import org.http4s.circe._
// import org.http4s.circe._

@JsonCodec case class TweetWithId(id: Int, message: String)
// defined class TweetWithId
// defined object TweetWithId

@JsonCodec case class Tweet(message: String)
// defined class Tweet
// defined object Tweet

def getTweet(tweetId: Int): Task[Option[TweetWithId]] = ???
// getTweet: (tweetId: Int)fs2.Task[Option[TweetWithId]]

def addTweet(tweet: Tweet): Task[TweetWithId] = ???
// addTweet: (tweet: Tweet)fs2.Task[TweetWithId]

def updateTweet(id: Int, tweet: Tweet): Task[Option[TweetWithId]] = ???
// updateTweet: (id: Int, tweet: Tweet)fs2.Task[Option[TweetWithId]]

def deleteTweet(id: Int): Task[Unit] = ???
// deleteTweet: (id: Int)fs2.Task[Unit]

implicit val tweetWithIdEncoder = jsonEncoderOf[TweetWithId]
// tweetWithIdEncoder: org.http4s.EntityEncoder[TweetWithId] = org.http4s.EntityEncoder$$anon$2@2680d80a

implicit val tweetDecoder = jsonOf[Tweet]
// tweetDecoder: org.http4s.EntityDecoder[Tweet] = org.http4s.EntityDecoder$$anon$2@28211756

val tweetService = HttpService {
  case GET -> Root / "tweets" / IntVar(tweetId) =>
  case req @ POST -> Root / "tweets" =>[Tweet].flatMap(addTweet).flatMap(Ok(_))
  case req @ PUT -> Root / "tweets" / IntVar(tweetId) =>[Tweet]
      .flatMap(updateTweet(tweetId, _))
  case req @ HEAD -> Root / "tweets" / IntVar(tweetId) =>
      .flatMap(_.fold(NotFound())(_ => Ok()))
  case req @ DELETE -> Root / "tweets" / IntVar(tweetId) =>
      .flatMap(_ => Ok())
// tweetService: org.http4s.HttpService = Kleisli(org.http4s.package$HttpService$$$Lambda$29494/1361633949@ac779c0)

There’s also DefaultHead which replicates the functionality of the native implementation of the HEAD route.