This tutorial will walk you through creating your first http4s service
and calling it with http4s’ client.
Create a new directory, with the following build.sbt in the root:
scalaVersion := "2.12.7" // Also supports 2.11.x
val http4sVersion = "0.18.26"
// Only necessary for SNAPSHOT releases
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-dsl" % http4sVersion,
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-blaze-server" % http4sVersion,
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-blaze-client" % http4sVersion
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Ypartial-unification")
This tutorial is compiled as part of the build using mdoc. Each page
is its own REPL session. If you copy and paste code samples starting
from the top, you should be able to follow along in a REPL.
$ sbt console
Your first service
An HttpService[F]
is a simple alias for
Kleisli[F, Request, Response]
. If that’s meaningful to you,
great. If not, don’t panic: Kleisli
is just a convenient wrapper
around a Request => F[Response]
, and F
is an effectful
operation. We’ll teach you what you need to know as we go, or if you
prefer you can read these introductions first:
Defining your service
Wherever you are in your studies, let’s create our first
. Start by pasting these imports into your SBT console:
import cats.effect._, org.http4s._,,
Using the http4s-dsl, we can construct an HttpService
by pattern
matching the request. Let’s build a service that matches requests to
GET /hello/:name
, where :name
is a path parameter for the person to
val helloWorldService = HttpService[IO] {
case GET -> Root / "hello" / name =>
Ok(s"Hello, $name.")
// helloWorldService: HttpService[IO] = Kleisli(
// org.http4s.HttpService$$$Lambda$12903/708292025@31ded2a4
// )
Returning content in the response
In order to return content of type T
in the response an EntityEncoder[T]
must be used. We can define the EntityEncoder[T]
implictly so that it
doesn’t need to be explicitly included when serving the response.
In the example below, we’re defining a tweetEncoder
and then
explicitly using it to encode the response contents of a Tweet
, which can
be seen as Ok(getTweet(tweetId))(tweetEncoder)
We’ve defined tweetsEncoder
as being implicit so that we don’t need to explicitly
reference it when serving the response, which can be seen as
case class Tweet(id: Int, message: String)
implicit def tweetEncoder: EntityEncoder[IO, Tweet] = ???
implicit def tweetsEncoder: EntityEncoder[IO, Seq[Tweet]] = ???
def getTweet(tweetId: Int): IO[Tweet] = ???
def getPopularTweets(): IO[Seq[Tweet]] = ???
val tweetService = HttpService[IO] {
case GET -> Root / "tweets" / "popular" =>
case GET -> Root / "tweets" / IntVar(tweetId) =>
// tweetService: HttpService[IO] = Kleisli(
// org.http4s.HttpService$$$Lambda$12903/708292025@23cf25bf
// )
Running your service
http4s supports multiple server backends. In this example, we’ll use
blaze, the native backend supported by http4s.
We start from a BlazeBuilder
, and then mount the helloWorldService
the base path of /
and the remainder of the services under the base
path of /api
. The services can be mounted in any order as the request will be
matched against the longest base paths first. The BlazeBuilder
is immutable
with chained methods, each returning a new builder.
Multiple HttpService
s can be combined with the combineK
method (or its alias
) by importing cats.implicits._
and org.http4s.implicits._
. Please ensure partial unification is enabled in your build.sbt
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Ypartial-unification")
import cats.implicits._
import org.http4s.server.blaze._
import org.http4s.implicits._
val services = tweetService <+> helloWorldService
// services:[[IO, β$0$], Request[IO], Response[IO]] = Kleisli(
// )
val builder = BlazeBuilder[IO].bindHttp(8080, "localhost").mountService(helloWorldService, "/").mountService(services, "/api").start
// builder: IO[org.http4s.server.Server[IO]] = Delay(
// org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeBuilder$$Lambda$13116/532336336@68f03e06
// )
The bindHttp
call isn’t strictly necessary as the server will be set to run
using defaults of port 8080 and the loopback address. The mountService
associates a base path with a HttpService
A builder can be run
to start the server.
val server = builder.unsafeRunSync()
// server: org.http4s.server.Server[IO] = BlazeServer(/
Use curl, or your favorite HTTP client, to see your service in action:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello/Pete
Cleaning up
Our server consumes system resources. Let’s clean up by shutting it
Running your service as an App
Every ServerBuilder[F]
has a .serve
method that returns a
Stream[F, ExitCode]
. This stream runs forever without emitting
any output. When this process is run with .unsafeRunSync
on the
main thread, it blocks forever, keeping the JVM (and your server)
alive until the JVM is killed.
As a convenience, fs2 provides an fs2.StreamApp[F[_]]
with an abstract main
method that returns a Stream
. A StreamApp
runs the process and adds a JVM shutdown hook to interrupt the infinite
process and gracefully shut down your server when a SIGTERM is received.
import fs2.{Stream, StreamApp}
import fs2.StreamApp.ExitCode
import org.http4s.server.blaze._
object Main extends StreamApp[IO] {
override def stream(args: List[String], requestShutdown: IO[Unit]): Stream[IO, ExitCode] =
.bindHttp(8080, "localhost")
.mountService(helloWorldService, "/")
.mountService(services, "/api")