



package dropwizard

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. dropwizard
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. def metricRegistryEncoder[F[_]](mapper: ObjectMapper = defaultMapper)(implicit arg0: Applicative[F]): EntityEncoder[F, MetricRegistry]

    Encodes a metric registry in JSON format

  2. def metricsResponse[F[_]](registry: MetricRegistry, mapper: ObjectMapper = defaultMapper)(implicit arg0: Applicative[F]): F[Response[F]]

    Returns an OK response with a JSON dump of a MetricRegistry

  3. def metricsService[F[_]](registry: MetricRegistry, mapper: ObjectMapper = defaultMapper)(implicit arg0: Sync[F]): HttpRoutes[F]

    Returns an OK response with a JSON dump of a MetricRegistry

  4. object Dropwizard

    MetricsOps algebra capable of recording Dropwizard metrics

    MetricsOps algebra capable of recording Dropwizard metrics

    For example, the following code would wrap a org.http4s.HttpRoutes with a org.http4s.server.middleware.Metrics that records metrics to a given metric registry.

    import org.http4s.client.middleware.Metrics
    import org.http4s.client.dropwizard.Dropwizard
    val meteredRoutes = Metrics[IO](Dropwizard(registry, "server"))(testRoutes)

    Analogously, the following code would wrap a org.http4s.client.Client with a org.http4s.client.middleware.Metrics that records metrics to a given Metric Registry, classifying the metrics by HTTP method.

    import org.http4s.client.metrics.core.Metrics
    import org.http4s.client.metrics.dropwizard.Dropwizard
    val classifierFunc = (r: Request[IO]) => Some(r.method.toString.toLowerCase)
    val meteredClient = Metrics(Dropwizard(registry, "client"), classifierFunc)(client)

    Registers the following metrics:

    {prefix}.{classifier}.active.requests - Counter {prefix}.{classifier}.requests.headers - Timer {prefix}.{classifier} - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.get-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.post-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.put-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.head-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.move-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.options-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.trace-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.connect-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.delete-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.other-requests - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.1xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.2xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.3xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.4xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.5xx-responses - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.errors - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.timeouts - Timer {prefix}.{classifier}.abnormal-terminations - Timer

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
