Further Reading
Blogs and Slides
These materials are from third parties. Some of the material may be dated, but is considered interesting enough to share as a supplement to the official documentation.
- Live Coding a Chat Server with WebSockets and http4s (code) (2019-04-30)
- Lightweight, functional microservices with http4s and doobie (slides) (2019-01-25)
- Error handling in Http4s with classy optics (Part 2) (2018-11-28)
- Error handling in Http4s with classy optics (Talk) (2018-11-16)
- Error handling in Http4s with classy optics (Part 1) (2018-08-25)
- HTTP applications are just a Kleisli function from a streaming request to a polymorphic effect of a streaming response. So what's the problem? (slides) (2018-03-20)
- Testing and Error Handling in http4s (2017-08-26)
- Combining data from a database and a web service with Fetch (2017-01-19)
- CRUD and error handling with Http4s (2016-10-18)
- Http4s, Doobie and Circe: The Functional Web Stack (2016-04-15)
- HttpRequest and pattern matching on requests (2016-02-18)
- Seting up a http4s skeleton project (2016-02-16)
- Streaming of data using http4s and scalaz-stream (2016-01-16)
http4s stands on the shoulders of giants. To use it most effectively, it helps to be familiar with its dependencies.
- Cats provides typeclasses and a few core data types.
- Resources for Learners
- cats-effect is used to mark effectful code.
- An IO monad for cats
- FS2 provides support for streaming.
- The Official Guide
- Circe is the recommended library for JSON.