



package server

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. server
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type AuthMiddleware[F[_], T] = (Kleisli[[β$1$]OptionT[F, β$1$], AuthedRequest[F, T], Response[F]]) ⇒ Kleisli[[β$1$]OptionT[F, β$1$], Request[F], Response[F]]

    An HTTP middleware that authenticates users.

  2. type HttpMiddleware[F[_]] = (Kleisli[[β$0$]OptionT[F, β$0$], Request[F], Response[F]]) ⇒ Kleisli[[β$0$]OptionT[F, β$0$], Request[F], Response[F]]

    An HTTP middleware converts an HttpRoutes to another.

  3. final case class KeyStoreBits(keyStore: StoreInfo, keyManagerPassword: String, protocol: String, trustStore: Option[StoreInfo], clientAuth: SSLClientAuthMode) extends SSLConfig with Product with Serializable
  4. type Middleware[F[_], A, B, C, D] = (Kleisli[F, A, B]) ⇒ Kleisli[F, C, D]

    A middleware is a function of one Service to another, possibly of a different Request and Response type.

    A middleware is a function of one Service to another, possibly of a different Request and Response type. http4s comes with several middlewares for composing common functionality into services.

  5. sealed trait SSLClientAuthMode extends Product with Serializable

    Client Auth mode for mTLS

  6. sealed trait SSLConfig extends AnyRef
  7. final case class SSLContextBits(sslContext: SSLContext, clientAuth: SSLClientAuthMode) extends SSLConfig with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class SecureSession(sslSessionId: String, cipherSuite: String, keySize: Int, X509Certificate: List[X509Certificate]) extends Product with Serializable
  9. abstract class Server[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  10. trait ServerBuilder[F[_]] extends BackendBuilder[F, Server[F]]
  11. type ServiceErrorHandler[F[_]] = (Request[F]) ⇒ PartialFunction[Throwable, F[Response[F]]]
  12. type SSLBits = SSLConfig

    Old name for SSLConfig

    Old name for SSLConfig


    (Since version 2016-12-31) Use SSLConfig

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
