



package middleware

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class CORSConfig(anyOrigin: Boolean, allowCredentials: Boolean, maxAge: Long, anyMethod: Boolean = true, allowedOrigins: (String) ⇒ Boolean = _ => false, allowedMethods: Option[Set[String]] = None, allowedHeaders: Option[Set[String]] = ..., exposedHeaders: Option[Set[String]] = Set("*").some) extends Product with Serializable

    CORS middleware config options.

    CORS middleware config options. You can give an instance of this class to the CORS middleware, to specify its behavoir

  2. final class CSRF[F[_], G[_]] extends AnyRef

    Middleware to avoid Cross-site request forgery attacks.

    Middleware to avoid Cross-site request forgery attacks. More info on CSRF at:

    This middleware is modeled after the double submit cookie pattern:

    When a user authenticates, embedNew is used to send a random CSRF value as a cookie. (Alternatively, an authenticating service can be wrapped in withNewToken).

    By default, for requests that are unsafe (PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH), services protected by the validated method in the middleware will check that the csrf token is present in both the header headerName and the cookie cookieName. Due to the Same-Origin policy, an attacker will be unable to reproduce this value in a custom header, resulting in a 403 Forbidden response.

    By default, requests with safe methods (such as GET, OPTIONS, HEAD) will have a new token embedded in them if there isn't one, or will receive a refreshed token based off of the previous token to mitigate the BREACH vulnerability. If a request contains an invalid token, regardless of whether it is a safe method, this middleware will fail it with 403 Forbidden. In this situation, your user(s) should clear their cookies for your page, to receive a new token.

    The default can be overridden by modifying the predicate in validate. It will, by default, check if the method is safe. Thus, you can provide some whitelisting capability for certain kinds of requests.

    We'd like to emphasize that you please follow proper design principles in creating endpoints, as to not mutate in what should otherwise be idempotent methods (i.e no dropping your DB in a GET method, or altering user data). Please do not use the CSRF protection from this middleware as a safety net for bad design.

Value Members

  1. object AutoSlash

    Removes a trailing slash from Request path

    Removes a trailing slash from Request path

    If a route exists with a file style Uri, eg "/foo", this middleware will cause Requests with uri = "/foo" and uri = "/foo/" to match the route.

  2. object CORS
  3. object CSRF
  4. object Caching

    Caching contains middlewares to support caching functionality.

    Caching contains middlewares to support caching functionality.

    Helper functions to support Caching.cache can be found in Caching.Helpers

  5. object ChunkAggregator
  6. object Date

    Date Middleware, adds the Date Header to All Responses generated by the service.

  7. object DefaultHead

    Handles HEAD requests as a GET without a body.

    Handles HEAD requests as a GET without a body.

    If the service returns the fallthrough response, the request is resubmitted as a GET. The resulting response's body is killed, but all headers are preserved. This is a naive, but correct, implementation of HEAD. Routes requiring more optimization should implement their own HEAD handler.

  8. object EntityLimiter
  9. object ErrorAction
  10. object GZip
  11. object HSTS

    Middleware to add HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) support adding the Strict Transport Security headers

  12. object HeaderEcho
  13. object HttpMethodOverrider
  14. object HttpsRedirect

    Middleware to redirect http traffic to https.

    Middleware to redirect http traffic to https. Inspects X-Forwarded-Proto header and if it is set to http, redirects to Host with same URL with https schema; otherwise does nothing. This middleware is useful when a service is deployed behind a load balancer which does not support such redirect feature, e.g. Heroku.

  15. object Jsonp

    Middleware to support wrapping json responses in jsonp.

    Middleware to support wrapping json responses in jsonp.

    Jsonp wrapping occurs when the request contains a parameter with the given name and the request Content-Type is application/json.

    If the wrapping is done, the response Content-Type is changed into application/javascript and the appropriate jsonp callback is applied.

  16. object Logger

    Simple Middleware for Logging All Requests and Responses

  17. object MaxActiveRequests
  18. object Metrics

    Server middleware to record metrics for the http4s server.

    Server middleware to record metrics for the http4s server.

    This middleware will record: - Number of active requests - Time duration to send the response headers - Time duration to send the whole response body - Time duration of errors and other abnormal terminations

    This middleware can be extended to support any metrics ecosystem by implementing the MetricsOps type

  19. object PushSupport
  20. object RequestLogger

    Simple Middleware for Logging Requests As They Are Processed

  21. object ResponseLogger

    Simple middleware for logging responses as they are processed

  22. object ResponseTiming
  23. object StaticHeaders

    Simple middleware for adding a static set of headers to responses returned by a kleisli.

  24. object Throttle

    Transform a service to reject any calls the go over a given rate.

  25. object Timeout
  26. object TranslateUri

    Removes the given prefix from the beginning of the path of the Request.

  27. object UrlFormLifter

    Middleware for lifting application/x-www-form-urlencoded bodies into the request query params.

    Middleware for lifting application/x-www-form-urlencoded bodies into the request query params.

    The params are merged into the existing paras _after_ the existing query params. This means that if the query already contains the pair "foo" -> Some("bar"), parameters on the body must be acessed through multiParams.

  28. object VirtualHost

    Middleware for virtual host mapping

    Middleware for virtual host mapping

    The VirtualHost middleware allows multiple services to be mapped based on the org.http4s.headers.Host header of the org.http4s.Request.

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object URITranslation

    (Since version 0.18.16) Use org.http4s.server.middleware.TranslateUri instead
