JSON Handling
Add the JSON support module(s)
http4s-core does not include JSON support, but integration with some popular Scala JSON libraries are supported as modules.
The http4s team recommends circe. Only http4s-circe is required for basic interop with circe, but to follow this tutorial, install all three:
val http4sVersion = "0.23.30"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-circe" % http4sVersion,
// Optional for auto-derivation of JSON codecs
"io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % "0.14.8",
// Optional for string interpolation to JSON model
"io.circe" %% "circe-literal" % "0.14.8"
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full)
If you're in a REPL, we also need a runtime:
import cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime
implicit val runtime: IORuntime = cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime.global
Sending Raw JSON
Let's create a function to produce a simple JSON greeting with circe. First, the imports:
import cats.effect._
import io.circe._
import io.circe.literal._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.dsl.io._
import org.http4s.implicits._
Under some setup options (we saw this in Scala 3.1.2 but not in 3.1.0), running import io.circe._
might give you an error of -- [E008] Not Found Error: value circe is not a member of io
. This means that io
is shadowed from some other package. In that case, you should run import _root_.io.circe._
, analogously for the other circe
Then the actual code:
def hello(name: String): Json =
json"""{"hello": $name}"""
val greeting = hello("world")
// greeting: Json = JObject(value = object[hello -> "world"])
We now have a JSON value, but we don't have enough to render it:
// error: Cannot convert from io.circe.Json to an Entity, because no EntityEncoder[cats.effect.IO, io.circe.Json] instance could be found.
// Ok(greeting).unsafeRunSync()
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
To encode a Scala value of type A
into an entity, we need an
in scope. The http4s-circe module includes a
object, which gives us exactly this for an
import org.http4s.circe._
// res1: Response[IO] = (
// = Status(code = 200),
// = HttpVersion(major = 1, minor = 1),
// = Headers(Content-Type: application/json, Content-Length: 17),
// = Stream(..),
// = org.typelevel.vault.Vault@6e0b66da
// )
The same EntityEncoder[Json]
we use on server responses is also
useful on client requests:
Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"/hello")
.withEntity(json"""{"name": "Alice"}""")
Encoding case classes as JSON
These JSON literals are nice, but in real apps, we prefer to operate on case classes and use JSON as a serialization format near the edge of the world.
Let's define a couple case classes:
case class Hello(name: String)
case class User(name: String)
To transform a value of type A
into Json
, circe uses an
. With circe's syntax, we can convert any value
to JSON as long as an implicit Encoder
is in scope:
import io.circe.syntax._
implicit val HelloEncoder: Encoder[Hello] =
Encoder.instance { (hello: Hello) =>
json"""{"hello": ${hello.name}}"""
// HelloEncoder: Encoder[Hello] = io.circe.Encoder$$anon$3@62bd00ad
// res3: Json = JObject(value = object[hello -> "Alice"])
That was easy, but gets tedious for applications dealing in lots of types. Fortunately, circe can automatically derive an encoder for us, using the field names of the case class as key names in a JSON object:
import io.circe.generic.auto._
// res4: Json = JObject(value = object[name -> "Alice"])
Equipped with an Encoder
and .asJson
, we can send JSON in requests
and responses for our case classes:
// res5: Response[IO] = (
// = Status(code = 200),
// = HttpVersion(major = 1, minor = 1),
// = Headers(Content-Type: application/json, Content-Length: 17),
// = Stream(..),
// = org.typelevel.vault.Vault@2f6844f0
// )
Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"/hello")
// res6: Request[IO] = (
// = POST,
// = Uri(
// scheme = None,
// authority = None,
// path = /hello,
// query = ,
// fragment = None
// ),
// = HttpVersion(major = 1, minor = 1),
// = Headers(Content-Length: 14, Content-Type: application/json),
// = Stream(..),
// = org.typelevel.vault.Vault@4020f776
// )
If within some route we serve json only, we can use:
import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityEncoder._
Thus there's no more need in calling asJson
on result.
However, it may introduce ambiguity errors when we also build
some json by hand within the same scope.
Receiving Raw JSON
Just as we needed an EntityEncoder[JSON]
to send JSON from a server
or client, we need an EntityDecoder[JSON]
to receive it.
The org.http4s.circe._
package provides an implicit
. This makes it very easy to decode a request or
response body to JSON using the as
// res8: Json = JObject(value = object[name -> "Alice"])
Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"/hello")
// res9: Json = JObject(value = object[name -> "Bob"])
Like sending raw JSON, this is useful to a point, but we typically want to get to a typed model as quickly as we can.
Decoding JSON to a case class
To get from an HTTP entity to Json
, we use an EntityDecoder[Json]
To get from Json
to any type A
, we need an io.circe.Decoder[A]
http4s-circe provides the jsonOf
function to make the connection all
the way from HTTP to your type A
. Specifically, jsonOf[A]
an implicit Decoder[A]
and makes a EntityDecoder[A]
implicit val userDecoder: EntityDecoder[IO, User] = jsonOf[IO, User]
// userDecoder: EntityDecoder[IO, User] = org.http4s.EntityDecoder$$anon$2@750774ee
// res10: User = User(name = "Alice")
Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"/hello")
// res11: User = User(name = "Bob")
If we are always decoding from JSON to a typed model, we can use the following import:
import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityDecoder._
This creates an EntityDecoder[A]
for every A
that has a Decoder
However, be cautious when using this. Having this implicit in scope does mean that we would always try to decode HTTP entities from JSON (even if it is XML or plain text, for instance).
For more convenience there is import combining both encoding and decoding derivation:
import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityCodec._
Putting it all together
A Hello World Service
Our hello world service will parse a User
from a request and offer a
proper greeting.
import cats.effect._
import com.comcast.ip4s._
import io.circe.generic.auto._
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.circe._
import org.http4s.dsl.io._
import org.http4s.ember.server._
import org.http4s.implicits._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
case class User(name: String)
case class Hello(greeting: String)
implicit val decoder: EntityDecoder[IO, User] = jsonOf[IO, User]
val jsonApp = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
case req @ POST -> Root / "hello" =>
for {
// Decode a User request
user <- req.as[User]
// Encode a hello response
resp <- Ok(Hello(user.name).asJson)
} yield (resp)
val server = EmberServerBuilder
We start a server resource in the background.
val shutdown = server.allocated.unsafeRunSync()._2
A Hello World Client
Now let's make a client for the service above:
import org.http4s.ember.client._
import cats.effect.IO
import io.circe.generic.auto._
def helloClient(name: String): IO[Hello] = {
// Encode a User request
val req = Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"http://localhost:8080/hello")
// Create a client
// Note: this client is used exactly once, and discarded
// Ideally you should .build.use it once, and share it for multiple requests
EmberClientBuilder.default[IO].build.use { httpClient =>
// Decode a Hello response
httpClient.expect(req)(jsonOf[IO, Hello])
Finally, we post User("Alice")
to our Hello service and expect
// res13: Hello = Hello(greeting = "Alice")
Finally, shut down our example server.