This document implements a simple org.http4s.HttpRoutes
and then
walks through the results (i.e. org.http4s.Response
) of applying inputs (i.e. org.http4s.Request
) to it.
After reading this doc, the reader should feel comfortable writing a unit test using his/her favorite Scala testing library.
Now, let's define an org.http4s.HttpRoutes
import cats.syntax.all._
import io.circe._
import io.circe.syntax._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import cats.effect._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.circe._
import org.http4s.dsl.io._
import org.http4s.implicits._
If you're in a REPL, we also need a runtime:
import cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime
implicit val runtime: IORuntime = cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime.global
case class User(name: String, age: Int)
implicit val UserEncoder: Encoder[User] = deriveEncoder[User]
trait UserRepo[F[_]] {
def find(userId: String): F[Option[User]]
def httpRoutes[F[_]](repo: UserRepo[F])(
implicit F: Async[F]
): HttpRoutes[F] = HttpRoutes.of[F] {
case GET -> Root / "user" / id =>
repo.find(id).map {
case Some(user) => Response(status = Status.Ok).withEntity(user.asJson)
case None => Response(status = Status.NotFound)
For testing, let's define a check
// Return true if match succeeds; otherwise false
def check[A](actual: IO[Response[IO]],
expectedStatus: Status,
expectedBody: Option[A])(
implicit ev: EntityDecoder[IO, A]
): Boolean = {
val actualResp = actual.unsafeRunSync()
val statusCheck = actualResp.status == expectedStatus
val bodyCheck = expectedBody.fold[Boolean](
// Verify Response's body is empty.
expected => actualResp.as[A].unsafeRunSync() == expected
statusCheck && bodyCheck
Let's define service by passing a UserRepo
that returns Ok(user)
val success: UserRepo[IO] = new UserRepo[IO] {
def find(id: String): IO[Option[User]] = IO.pure(Some(User("johndoe", 42)))
val response: IO[Response[IO]] = httpRoutes[IO](success).orNotFound.run(
Request(method = Method.GET, uri = uri"/user/not-used" )
val expectedJson = Json.obj(
"name" := "johndoe",
"age" := 42
// expectedJson: Json = JObject(value = object[name -> "johndoe",age -> 42])
check[Json](response, Status.Ok, Some(expectedJson))
// res0: Boolean = true
Next, let's define a service with a userRepo
that returns None
to any input.
val foundNone: UserRepo[IO] = new UserRepo[IO] {
def find(id: String): IO[Option[User]] = IO.pure(None)
val respFoundNone: IO[Response[IO]] = httpRoutes[IO](foundNone).orNotFound.run(
Request(method = Method.GET, uri = uri"/user/not-used" )
check[Json](respFoundNone, Status.NotFound, None)
// res1: Boolean = true
Finally, let's pass a Request
which our service does not handle.
val doesNotMatter: UserRepo[IO] = new UserRepo[IO] {
def find(id: String): IO[Option[User]] =
IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Should not get called!"))
val respNotFound: IO[Response[IO]] = httpRoutes[IO](doesNotMatter).orNotFound.run(
Request(method = Method.GET, uri = uri"/not-a-matching-path" )
check[String](respNotFound, Status.NotFound, Some("Not found"))
// res2: Boolean = true
Using client
Having HttpApp you can build a client for testing purposes. Following the example above we could define our HttpApp like this:
val httpApp: HttpApp[IO] = httpRoutes[IO](success).orNotFound
From this, we can obtain the Client
instance using Client.fromHttpApp
and then use it to test our sever/app.
import org.http4s.client.Client
val request: Request[IO] = Request(method = Method.GET, uri = uri"/user/not-used")
val client: Client[IO] = Client.fromHttpApp(httpApp)
val resp: IO[Json] = client.expect[Json](request)
assert(resp.unsafeRunSync() == expectedJson)
The above documentation demonstrated how to define an HttpRoutes[F]
, pass Request
's, and then
test the expected Response
To add unit tests in your chosen Scala Testing Framework, please follow the above examples.