Server Middleware

Http4s includes some middleware out of the box in the org.http4s.server.middleware package. Some of it is documented in its own page:

We'll describe and provide examples for the remaining middleware, but first we set up our service:

import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.all._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.implicits._
import org.http4s.client.Client
import cats.effect.unsafe.IORuntime
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import cats.effect.std.Random
import fs2.Stream
import cats.effect.std.Console

implicit val runtime: IORuntime =

object NameQueryParamMatcher extends QueryParamDecoderMatcher[String]("name")

val service = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
  case GET -> Root / "bad" => BadRequest()
  case GET -> Root / "ok" => Ok()
  case r @ POST -> Root / "post" =>[Unit] >> Ok()
  case r @ POST -> Root / "echo" =>[String].flatMap(Ok(_))
  case GET -> Root / "b" / "c" => Ok()
  case POST -> Root / "queryForm" :? NameQueryParamMatcher(name) => Ok(s"hello $name")
  case GET -> Root / "wait" => IO.sleep(10.millis) >> Ok()
  case GET -> Root / "boom" => IO.raiseError(new RuntimeException("boom!"))
  case r @ POST -> Root / "reverse" =>[String].flatMap(s => Ok(s.reverse))
  case GET -> Root / "forever" => IO(
    Response[IO](headers = Headers("hello" -> "hi"))
  case r @ GET -> Root / "doubleRead" => ([String],[String])
    .flatMapN((a, b) => Ok(s"$a == $b"))
  case GET -> Root / "random" => Random.scalaUtilRandom[IO]
    .flatMap(random => Ok(random.toString))

val okRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/ok")
val badRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/bad")
val postRequest = Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"/post")
val waitRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/wait")
val boomRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/boom")
val reverseRequest = Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"/reverse")
val client = Client.fromHttpApp(service.orNotFound)

Also note that these examples might use non-idiomatic constructs like unsafeRunSync for conciseness.



This middleware adds response headers so that clients know how to cache a response. It performs no server-side caching. Below is one example of usage, see Caching for more methods.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.Caching

val cacheService = Caching.cache(
  isPublic = Left(CacheDirective.public),
  methodToSetOn = _ == Method.GET,
  statusToSetOn = _.isSuccess,

val cacheClient = Client.fromHttpApp(cacheService)[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res0: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 0, Cache-Control: public, max-age=10800, Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:02:37 GMT, Expires: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:02:37 GMT)[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res1: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 0)[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res2: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 0)


Adds the current date to the response.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.Date

val dateService = Date.httpRoutes(service).orNotFound
val dateClient = Client.fromHttpApp(dateService)[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res3: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 0, Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:02:37 GMT)


Adds headers included in the request to the response.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.HeaderEcho

val echoService = HeaderEcho.httpRoutes(echoHeadersWhen = _ => true)(service).orNotFound
val echoClient = Client.fromHttpApp(echoService)"Hello" -> "hi")).use(_.headers.pure[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res4: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 0, Hello: hi)


Sets response header with the request duration.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.ResponseTiming

val timingService = ResponseTiming(service.orNotFound)
val timingClient = Client.fromHttpApp(timingService)[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res5: Headers = Headers(Content-Length: 0, X-Response-Time: 0)


Use the RequestId middleware to automatically generate a X-Request-ID header for a request, if one wasn't supplied. Adds a X-Request-ID header to the response with the id generated or supplied as part of the request.

This heroku guide gives a brief explanation as to why this header is useful.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.RequestId

val requestIdService = RequestId.httpRoutes(HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
  case req =>
    val reqId = req.headers.get(ci"X-Request-ID").fold("null")(_.head.value)
    // use request id to correlate logs with the request
    Console[IO].println(s"request received, cid=$reqId") *> Ok()

val requestIdClient = Client.fromHttpApp(requestIdService.orNotFound)

Note: req.attributes.lookup(RequestId.requestIdAttrKey) can also be used to lookup the request id extracted from the header, or the generated request id. =>
  (resp.headers, resp.attributes.lookup(RequestId.requestIdAttrKey)).pure[IO]
// request received, cid=6cecf290-390c-400e-b5f2-8fbb89df267e
// res6: (Headers, Option[String]) = (
//   Headers(Content-Length: 0, X-Request-ID: 6cecf290-390c-400e-b5f2-8fbb89df267e),
//   Some(value = "6cecf290-390c-400e-b5f2-8fbb89df267e")
// )


Adds static headers to the response.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.StaticHeaders

val staticHeadersService = StaticHeaders(Headers("X-Hello" -> "hi"))(service).orNotFound
val staticHeaderClient = Client.fromHttpApp(staticHeadersService)[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res7: Headers = Headers(X-Hello: hi, Content-Length: 0)

Request rewriting


Removes a trailing slash from the requested url so that requests with trailing slash map to the route without.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.AutoSlash

val autoSlashService = AutoSlash(service).orNotFound
val autoSlashClient = Client.fromHttpApp(autoSlashService)
val okWithSlash = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/ok/")
// without the middleware the request with trailing slash fails
// res8: Status = Status(code = 200)
// res9: Status = Status(code = 404)

// with the middleware both work
// res10: Status = Status(code = 200)
// res11: Status = Status(code = 200)


Provides a naive implementation of a HEAD request for any GET routes. The response has the same headers but no body. An attempt is made to interrupt the process of generating the body.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.DefaultHead

val headService = DefaultHead(service).orNotFound
val headClient = Client.fromHttpApp(headService)

/forever has an infinite body but the HEAD request terminates and includes the headers:

headClient.status(Request[IO](Method.HEAD, uri"/forever")).unsafeRunSync()
// res12: Status = Status(code = 200)[IO](Method.HEAD, uri"/forever")).use(_.headers.pure[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res13: Headers = Headers(hello: hi, Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8, Transfer-Encoding: chunked)


Allows a client to "disguise" the http verb of a request by indicating the desired verb somewhere else in the request.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.HttpMethodOverrider
import org.http4s.server.middleware.HttpMethodOverrider.{HttpMethodOverriderConfig, QueryOverrideStrategy}

val overrideService = HttpMethodOverrider(
    QueryOverrideStrategy(paramName = "realMethod"),
val overrideClient = Client.fromHttpApp(overrideService)
val overrideRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/post?realMethod=POST")
// res14: Status = Status(code = 404)
// res15: Status = Status(code = 200)


Redirects requests to https when the X-Forwarded-Proto header is http. This header is usually provided by a load-balancer to indicate which protocol the client used.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.HttpsRedirect

val httpsRedirectService = HttpsRedirect(service).orNotFound
val httpsRedirectClient = Client.fromHttpApp(httpsRedirectService)
val httpRequest = okRequest
  .putHeaders("Host" -> "", "X-Forwarded-Proto" -> "http") => (r.headers, r.status).pure[IO]).unsafeRunSync()
// res16: (Headers, Status) = (
//   Headers(Location:, Content-Type: text/xml),
//   Status(code = 301)
// )


Removes a prefix from the path of the requested url.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.TranslateUri

val translateService = TranslateUri(prefix = "a")(service).orNotFound
val translateRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/a/b/c")
val translateClient = Client.fromHttpApp(translateService)

The following is successful even though /b/c is defined, and not /a/b/c:

// res17: Status = Status(code = 200)


Transform x-www-form-urlencoded parameters into query parameters.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.UrlFormLifter
import org.http4s.UrlForm

val urlFormService = UrlFormLifter.httpApp(service.orNotFound)
val urlFormClient = Client.fromHttpApp(urlFormService)

val formRequest = Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"/queryForm")
  .withEntity(UrlForm.single("name", "John"))

Even though the /queryForm route takes query parameters, the form request works:

// res18: String = "hello John"

Scaling and resource management


React to requests being accepted and completed, could be used for metrics.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.ConcurrentRequests
import org.http4s.server.{ContextMiddleware, HttpMiddleware}
import org.http4s.ContextRequest

// a utility that drops the context from the request, since our service expects
// a plain request
def dropContext[A](middleware: ContextMiddleware[IO, A]): HttpMiddleware[IO] =
  routes => middleware(Kleisli((c: ContextRequest[IO, A]) => routes(c.req)))

val concurrentService =
      onIncrement = total => Console[IO].println(s"someone comes to town, total=$total"),
      onDecrement = total => Console[IO].println(s"someone leaves town, total=$total")
  ).map((middle: ContextMiddleware[IO, Long]) =>

val concurrentClient =[IO])
concurrentClient.flatMap(cl =>
  List.fill(3)(waitRequest).parTraverse(req => cl.expect[Unit](req))
// someone comes to town, total=3
// someone comes to town, total=1
// someone comes to town, total=2
// someone leaves town, total=2
// someone leaves town, total=1
// someone leaves town, total=0


Ensures the request body is under a specific length. It does so by inspecting the body, not by simply checking Content-Length (which could be spoofed). This could be useful for file uploads, or to prevent attacks that exploit a service that loads the whole body into memory. Note that many EntityDecoders are susceptible to this form of attack: the String entity decoder will read the complete value into memory, while a json entity decoder might build the full AST before attempting to decode. For this reason it's advisable to apply this middleware unless something else, like a reverse proxy, is applying this limit.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.EntityLimiter

val limiterService = EntityLimiter.httpApp(service.orNotFound, limit = 16)
val limiterClient = Client.fromHttpApp(limiterService)
val smallRequest = postRequest.withEntity("*" * 15)
val bigRequest = postRequest.withEntity("*" * 16)
// res20: Status = Status(code = 200)
// res21: Either[Throwable, Status] = Right(value = Status(code = 200))


Limit the number of active requests by rejecting requests over a certain limit. This can be useful to ensure that your service remains responsive during high loads.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.MaxActiveRequests

// creating the middleware is effectful
val maxService = MaxActiveRequests.forHttpApp[IO](maxActive = 2)
  .map(middleware => middleware(service.orNotFound))

val maxClient =[IO])

Some requests will fail if the limit is reached:

maxClient.flatMap(cl =>
  List.fill(5)(waitRequest).parTraverse(req => cl.status(req))
// res22: List[Status] = List(
//   Status(code = 200),
//   Status(code = 200),
//   Status(code = 503),
//   Status(code = 503),
//   Status(code = 503)
// )


Reject requests that exceed a given rate. An in-memory implementation of a TokenBucket - which refills at a given rate - is provided, but other strategies can be used. Like MaxActiveRequest this can be used prevent a service from being affect by high load.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.Throttle

// creating the middleware is effectful because of the default token bucket
val throttleService = Throttle.httpApp[IO](
  amount = 1,
  per = 10.milliseconds

val throttleClient =[IO])

We'll submit request every 5 ms and refill a token every 10 ms:

throttleClient.flatMap(cl =>
  List.fill(5)(okRequest).traverse(req => IO.sleep(5.millis) >> cl.status(req))
// res23: List[Status] = List(
//   Status(code = 200),
//   Status(code = 429),
//   Status(code = 200),
//   Status(code = 429),
//   Status(code = 200)
// )


Limits how long the underlying service takes to respond. The service is cancelled, if there are uncancelable effects they are completed and only then is the response returned.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.Timeout

val timeoutService = Timeout.httpApp[IO](timeout = 5.milliseconds)(service.orNotFound)
val timeoutClient = Client.fromHttpApp(timeoutService)

/wait takes 10 ms to finish so it's cancelled:

// res24: (FiniteDuration, Status) = (7193344 nanoseconds, Status(code = 503))

Error handling and Logging


Triggers an action if an error occurs while processing the request. Applies to the error channel (like IO.raiseError, or MonadThrow[F].raiseError) not http responses that indicate errors (like BadRequest). Could be used for logging and monitoring.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.ErrorAction

val errorActionService = ErrorAction.httpRoutes[IO](
  (req, thr) => Console[IO].println("Oops: " ++ thr.getMessage)

val errorActionClient = Client.fromHttpApp(errorActionService)
// Oops: boom!
// res25: Either[Throwable, Unit] = Left(
//   value = java.lang.RuntimeException: boom!
// )


Interprets error conditions into an http response. This will interact with other middleware that handles exceptions, like ErrorAction. Different backends might handle exceptions differently, ErrorAction prevents exceptions from reaching the backend and thus makes the service more backend-agnostic.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.ErrorHandling

val errorHandlingService = ErrorHandling.httpRoutes[IO](service).orNotFound
val errorHandlingClient = Client.fromHttpApp(errorHandlingService)

For the first request (the service without ErrorHandling) we have to .attempt to get a value that is renderable in this document, for the second request we get a response.

// res26: Either[Throwable, Status] = Left(
//   value = java.lang.RuntimeException: boom!
// )
// res27: Status = Status(code = 500)


Middleware to record service metrics. Requires an implementation of MetricsOps to receive metrics data. Also provided are implementations for Dropwizard and Prometheus metrics.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.Metrics
import org.http4s.metrics.{MetricsOps, TerminationType}

val metricsOps = new MetricsOps[IO] {
  def increaseActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String]): IO[Unit] =

  def decreaseActiveRequests(classifier: Option[String]): IO[Unit] = IO.unit
  def recordHeadersTime(method: Method, elapsed: Long, classifier: Option[String]): IO[Unit] =
  def recordTotalTime(
    method: Method,
    status: Status,
    elapsed: Long,
    classifier: Option[String]
  ): IO[Unit] = IO.unit

  def recordAbnormalTermination(
    elapsed: Long,
    terminationType: TerminationType,
    classifier: Option[String]
  ): IO[Unit] = Console[IO].println(s"abnormalTermination - $terminationType")

val metricsService = Metrics[IO](metricsOps)(service).orNotFound
val metricsClient = Client.fromHttpApp(metricsService)
// increaseActiveRequests
// abnormalTermination - Error(java.lang.RuntimeException: boom!)
// increaseActiveRequests

RequestLogger, ResponseLogger, Logger

Log requests and responses. ResponseLogger logs the responses, RequestLogger logs the request, Logger logs both.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.Logger

val loggerService = Logger.httpRoutes[IO](
  logHeaders = false,
  logBody = true,
  redactHeadersWhen = _ => false,
  logAction = Some((msg: String) => Console[IO].println(msg))

val loggerClient = Client.fromHttpApp(loggerService)
// HTTP/1.1 POST /reverse body="mood"
// HTTP/1.1 200 OK body="doom"



Consumes and caches a request body so that it can be reused later. Usually reading the body twice is unsafe, this middleware ensures the body is always the same, at the cost of keeping it in memory.

In this example we use a request body that always produces a different value once read:

import org.http4s.server.middleware.BodyCache

val bodyCacheService = BodyCache.httpRoutes(service).orNotFound

val randomRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/doubleRead")
      Random.scalaUtilRandom[IO].flatMap(_.nextInt).map(random => random.toString)

val bodyCacheClient = Client.fromHttpApp(bodyCacheService)

/doubleRead reads the body twice, when using the middleware we see that both read values the same:

// res31: String = "-820124344 == 876933627"
// res32: String = "-698024529 == -698024529"


Brackets the handling of the request ensuring an action happens before the service handles the request (acquire) and another after the response is complete (release), the result of acquire is threaded to the underlying service. It's used to implement MaxActiveRequests and ConcurrentRequests. See BracketRequestResponse for more constructors.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.BracketRequestResponse
import org.http4s.ContextRoutes
import cats.effect.Ref

val ref = Ref[IO].of(0).unsafeRunSync()

val bracketMiddleware = BracketRequestResponse.bracketRequestResponseRoutes[IO, Int](
  acquire = ref.updateAndGet(_ + 1))(
  release = _ => ref.update(_ - 1)

val bracketService = bracketMiddleware(
  ContextRoutes.of[Int, IO] {
    case GET -> Root / "ok" as n => Ok(s"$n")

val bracketClient = Client.fromHttpApp(bracketService)
// res33: String = "1"
// res34: Int = 0


Consumes and caches a response body so that it can be reused later. Usually reading the body twice is unsafe, this middleware ensures the body is always the same, at the cost of keeping it in memory.

Similarly to BodyRequest in this example we use a response body that always produces a different value:

import org.http4s.server.middleware.ChunkAggregator

def doubleBodyMiddleware(service: HttpRoutes[IO]): HttpRoutes[IO] = Kleisli { (req: Request[IO]) =>
  service(req).map {
    case Status.Successful(resp) =>
      resp.withBodyStream(resp.body ++ resp.body)
    case resp => resp

val chunkAggregatorService = doubleBodyMiddleware(ChunkAggregator.httpRoutes(service)).orNotFound
val chunkAggregatorClient = Client.fromHttpApp(chunkAggregatorService)
  .expect[String](Request[IO](Method.POST, uri"/echo").withEntity("foo"))
  .map(e => s"$e == foofoo")
// res35: String = "foofoo == foofoo"


Jsonp is a javascript technique to load json data without using XMLHttpRequest, which bypasses the same-origin security policy implemented in browsers. Jsonp usage is discouraged and can often be replaced with correct CORS configuration. This middleware has been deprecated as of 0.23.24.

import org.http4s.server.middleware.Jsonp

val jsonRoutes = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
  case GET -> Root / "json" => Ok("""{"a": 1}""")

val jsonService = Jsonp(callbackParam = "handleJson")(jsonRoutes).orNotFound
val jsonClient = Client.fromHttpApp(jsonService)
val jsonRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/json")



This middleware allows extracting context from a request and propagating it down to the routes.

import org.http4s.server.ContextMiddleware
import org.http4s.ContextRoutes
import{Kleisli, OptionT}

// create a custom header
case class UserId(raw: String)
implicit val userIdHeader: Header[UserId, Header.Single] =
  Header.createRendered(ci"X-UserId", _.raw, s => Right(UserId(s)))

// middleware to read the user id from the request
val middleware = ContextMiddleware(
  Kleisli((r: Request[IO]) => OptionT.fromOption[IO](r.headers.get[UserId]))

// routes that expect a user id as context
val ctxRoutes = ContextRoutes.of[UserId, IO] {
  case GET -> Root / "ok" as userId => Ok(s"hello ${userId.raw}")

val contextService = middleware(ctxRoutes).orNotFound
val contextClient = Client.fromHttpApp(contextService)
val contextRequest = Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/ok").putHeaders(UserId("Jack"))
// res37: String = "hello Jack"